NAPA News - Week 2, Term 2, 2022
Lots of great announcements and reminders in this week’s newsletter so please don’t miss out on reading the content. Another public holiday today but classes from 3pm onwards will run as usual.
NAPA News - Week 1, Term 2, 2022
Welcome back to another great term of learning and development at NAPA! Hope you all had a great holiday. Just a reminder that evening classes are on today. We have lots of exciting things happening in Term 2 so please make sure all the dates of events listed in your newsletter and website are recorded in your personal calendars.
NAPA News - Week 9, Term 1, 2022
This is the last week of term with our last classes finishing on Saturday, 2 April. Our return date is Tuesday, 19 April. Please note in last week’s newsletter the information regarding all other long weekends. A reminder that this week is an 80’s themed week so students from all classes can attend in their 80’s outfits and enjoy some happy 80’s themed activities. We will post photos on our P&F Facebook page. We hope your children have had a great first term and are all settled into their classes. Term 2 is the start of rehearsals and preparation for this year’s performances, so get ready cherubs!
NAPA News - Week 8, Term 1, 2022
I hope you are all enjoy our weekly newsletter, as this is our main form of communication to you. Sadly, some of our families are not reading it as we get emails asking questions that were answered in the newsletter or they miss out on events or important information. We set it out so you can easily locate the information that applies to your child. Thank you to everyone who makes the time to read our newsletter when it arrives every Monday and takes note of the information that applies to your child. It takes a lot of our time and resources to get this to you on a weekly basis, but very necessary.
NAPA News - Week 7, Term 1, 2022
What a busy week it has been! Camp, auditions, preparing for auditions, dance competition, and classroom fun. Enjoy reading this week’s newsletter! It’s been an action-packed week!
NAPA News - Week 6, Term 1, 2022
I hope you have all survived last week’s wild weather. Our thoughts are with our families who have been affected by the flooding and we send you all our love and strength through this time. Please reach out to us if you need any assistance with anything.
NAPA News - Week 5, Term 1, 2022
I hope you are all coping OK with all of this rain. It does make the drop-offs and pick-ups challenging but we appreciate all your efforts in making these as safe as possible and not being put off attending by the rain. Let’s hope the sun will be shining again soon.
NAPA News - Week 4, Term 1, 2022
We hope you are all enjoying being part of our NAPA family 2022 and starting to understand all of our procedures and opportunities. When COVID restrictions ease even more we will organise a couple of socials for our kids and parents. Our P & F have always assisted in this, and we have had some fantastic social events in the past until COVID made it too difficult and risky. So, let’s hope we can do something soon so we can get to know you all even more.
NAPA News - Week 3, Term 1, 2022
Classes are now settling into their routines after their introductory first week. It’s great to see those nervous new ones from last week return this week with excited faces. Feedback from teachers about our 2022 cohort has been wonderful; they are really looking forward to what they can achieve with their students this year.
NAPA News - Week 2, Term 1, 2022
WOW what a first week! So many new and eager faces, along with a few nervous ones, and of course our last year’s students were so excited to be back. If you are new, I hope your child enjoyed their classes this week.
NAPA News - Week 10, Term 4, 2021
This will be the last newsletter of the year but we still have lots of information for you to read and take note. But let us start with the many congratulations for this week’s performances.
NAPA News - Week 9, Term 4, 2021
As the term draws to a close it is a great time to reflect on so many achievements over the year. We have staged four musicals, three plays, two FTV Screenings and achieved great results in all of our eisteddfods entered. Now all we have left is our Mini Dance Concert and our Neverland Dance Concert to stage as well as the last Get the Beat Finals competition for the year, held on the Sunshine Coast. In the last week of term we will celebrate and reward the achievements of our students and teachers at our Awards ceremonies. We can start looking forward to a fun and relaxing holiday.
NAPA News - Week 8, Term 4, 2021
What an incredible week it has been! We saw the final week of Lion King, celebrated our graduation of our Year 12 College students, the studio was busy with rehearsals for Neverland and plans were made for our Awards evening. We are very close to finalising our timetable for next year so hopefully this will be released with next week’s newsletter, and you can start enrolling for 2022!
NAPA News - Week 7, Term 4, 2021
What an incredible week! It saw the opening of Lion King, the announcement of us winning the Bulletin’s competition for the best Dance school on the Gold Coast and another success story for one of our students.
NAPA News - Week 6, Term 4, 2021
This week sees the opening of the long-awaited production of Lion King! Lots of excitement is around the studio at the moment, not only with this production, but the upcoming ones as well. Changes in some class times has occurred to accommodate all the extra rehearsals for Lion King, Neverland and the filming for our Film Screening night.
NAPA News - Week 5, Term 4, 2021
Hope you all had some fun during Halloween week. Some great efforts were put into dressing up here at NAPA, especially from our canteen lady, Kristie, who not only dressed up herself but decorated our canteen area to set the atmosphere. This week saw our production of The Game performed and now we are getting ready for The Lion King. At NAPA there is always something to celebrate or look forward to.
NAPA News - Week 4, Term 4, 2021
Saturday saw the final performance of 13 The Musical and Sunday the bump-in of The Game. Rehearsals and preparations are underway for our Neverland Concert, the Awards night and Movie World’s White Christmas Parade! It certainly is our busiest time of the year! Hope you are all enjoying the numerous performances we provide during the year.
NAPA News - Week 3, Term 4, 2021
Another wonderful week at NAPA – shows, rehearsals, training, indoor and outdoor game playing, and above all – lots of laughter.