Parent Handbook
Welcome to the NAPA family!
NAPA is not just a training institute for the Performing Arts, it is a place where your child is nurtured and valued as a whole being. It is said that it takes a whole village to raise a child, so we encourage all our families at NAPA to be part of our village. Whether your child is going to be a performer or embarking on another career, we develop positive working relationships, confidence, creative thinking, positive attitudes, and respect for others and their environment. This is done through the following:
Studio Spirit Awards
This is a reward system for demonstrating positive attitudes, good deeds, support of each other, commitment, attainment of performance goals and performance levels. We also ask that parents be part of this by keeping conversations positive and respectful at NAPA as we hope that every parent and teacher will be a good role model for our students.
This has been formed to raise extra funds to improve conditions and resources for our students. Since it’s commencement the P & F has donated money to expand on student resources and social events. As we are renting the building, this does not benefit the NAPA directors in anyway, the money directly benefits our children. All parents are members of the P & F and are encouraged to attend meetings and offer suggestions as to how you would like the P & F to spend any funds raised. The main source of funding is through the running of the canteen and the bar. As well as helping on the canteen, weekly sausage sizzle and the bar during the productions some of our wonderful parents continually donate prizes for our raffles that has gone a long way in helping to raise funds. Please support all fundraising ventures by the P& F as the quicker we raise funds for projects the quicker our students reap the benefits.
Help needed
Staging the enormous amount of productions and concerts that we do in one year is a massive job that requires a team effort. If you can offer assistance in set construction, costume making and sorting, scenic artwork, FOH, backstage supervision, dressing room supervision, technical jobs etc., we and the kids would love to have your help. Please check the newsletter each week and any emails sent out close to production time when we do a call out for help. The assistance we receive each year is greatly appreciated.
What to expect when you register online
You can register for classes online HERE
First click on the ‘Enrol Now’ tab. Another window will open, and you will be asked to fill in the registration form.
Once completed you will be given login details for your own portal. From here you will have access to a variety of things.
You can now Enrol your child in classes by clicking on the register for classes tab. All available classes will then be shown, and you can scroll down and tick on the classes you wish to Enrol in.
Prices per month are shown to the right of each class. You also have the option to drop a class should you wish to.
From the portal you can also see a calendar for your child’s classes which will also show all of the classes as well as any other activities on at NAPA including the times and location of the studio in which the class is held.
Payments for all fees can also be made from the portal via either credit card or PayPal.
There is also an online store in the portal which will allow you to purchase costumes and or uniforms. This is only activated when we do our bulk uniform orders and you will be notified when this takes place. Once ordered and paid for you will then be able to collect your purchase from reception when the orders are received, and we notify you. Most orders take 6-8 weeks to arrive. We will keep you informed as to when this option will be available.
Please note that you will not be able to register for extra classes if your account for current classes is in debit.
Fees are due on the 1st of each month and are taken by AutoPay on that day. Any unpaid fees must be paid for by the close of business on the first Friday of each month.
Statements will be issued on or about the 28th of each month. Please check your statement carefully and notify Kimberley at reception should there be any errors.
Tuition fees are calculated for each week of each term over the year, then divided into 10. Payment is therefore over 10 months from February – November. Please note that holidays are not included in this calculation as there is no charge for holidays.
Make-up lessons are only offered to students whose classes are cancelled.
If your child is in multiple classes they may end up missing classes due to extended rehearsals in another class. There is no reimbursement offered the class missed, as we do not change for extended rehearsals.
Kimberley Janssen [email protected] are your point of contact for discussion of fees and fee payment. She is also responsible for enrolment
You can pay by cash, direct deposit, credit card or EFT. However, the preferred method of payment is AutoPay. It is your responsibility to make sure that your card details are correct and up to date and that there is enough money in your account to cover the fees each month. Should you not choose to register for AutoPay please be aware that tuition fees MUST be paid on time. Please contact Kimberley to discuss other arrangements.
When using direct deposit please ensure you have the correct account:
Heritage Bank
BSB: 638-060
ACC: 14150492Please note if tuition falls into arrears by more than one month, students will not be permitted to attend class until fees are paid. We have had to take a hard line on this as our past soft approach has been frequently taken advantage of.
Registration Fee – At the start of each year a $40 registration fee will be charged for each student. This fee covers administration costs and basic resources.
Media Fee – a fee of $35 will be charged to all students in production classes in the term prior to their performance. This fee provides you with a video and photographs of the production.
Costume fees – production class costume hire is $15 - $25. The performance team costume hire is $15 - $25 per use. Some may be for purchase. The amount charged within these ranges depends on the type of costume being hired.
Credit Card / PayPal Charges – In the past we have always tried to absorb the charges placed on us by credit card companies and PayPal has been a free service. However, PayPal has started charging us for each transaction as do the credit card companies. Therefore, due to the high cost of this we need to apply a surcharge for each transaction using either credit card or PayPal of 2.5% to help cover this expense.
Here are a few guidelines around expectations and operations:
We do not have parents watching classes as it is distracting for the students. It is important that they focus on their skill development and feel comfortable to take risks, which is not easy in from of an audience. However, at times we ask you to sit in to provide an audience for the kids when they are refining skills. We also have parent visit classes more frequently for our preschool children.
Please do not enter a room when a class is operating as it disrupts the student learning, unless it’s an emergency or you have pre-arranged to pick up your child early.
If you need to talk to a teacher, please email them to arrange an appointment. It is important you don’t try to catch them in-between classes as it makes them late for their next class. Also, if they do have a spare few minute, it may be the only time they have to get something to eat or even go to the toilet, so please be mindful of this.
If you are waiting for your child there are tables and chairs near the canteen area and in the courtyard or you can play games with the kids in the games room or in the courtyard– they love it when a parent joins in.
Please ensure that you update contact details as soon as they change. Newsletters and emails are a main form of communication as well as Facebook so please ensure we keep you updated through these forms.
For safety reasons, if your child is Primary aged, please come and collect your child after class from the foyer, courtyard, or cherub retreat area. We do not want our little ones waiting outside our gate unsupervised.
Please ensure you are on time to drop off and pick-up. Teachers frequently have had to wait with children well past pick up time at the end of the evening. This is unfair on the teacher after a long day of teaching or rehearsal. They also may have to be somewhere at a certain time themselves. Unforeseen things do happen, but we ask that you contact us if you are going to be late as alternative arrangements may need to be made.
When attending a show, please be aware that it is our volunteers and staff who work front of house for no payment. To help us out please take your rubbish with you and put it in the bin. It is important children learn to do the same. Also, please alert front of house volunteers regarding any spillage as this can be a hazard.
Do not take photos or videos during a production. This is a great distraction for cast and other members of the audience. Your media fee covers filming of the performance and photos taken by professionals and provided to you.
Please ensure your children are respectful when using the toilet as this is a shared facility. We frequently find toilet paper just dropped on the floor. A conversation with girls as to how to dispose of sanitary napkins correctly and boys how to use a urinal correctly, is very important.
DRESS CODE (see more detailS HERE)
For dance classes we have a dance uniform that can be purchased at reception or online. Eisteddfod classes must wear the uniform to every lesson, other dance classes can either wear our NAPA uniform or other appropriate dance gear (leotard, leggings, dance shorts, crop top, fitted singlet). Hair must be off the face and shoulders in a neat bun or ponytail. Jazz shoes can be black or tan (Bloch or Capezio split sole). Ballet shoes – elastic for class and ribbons must be sewn on for exams. Tap shoes should be black lace up (preferably split sole). Boys Crew have their own uniform for purchase at reception.
Music Theatre and Acting – casual clothing that allows freedom of movement. We ask that students wear a NAPA T-shirt as much as possible. Do not wear thongs, sandals, skirts, dresses or jewellery.
Orders for uniforms will be taken in the first few weeks of Term 1 after numbers have settled. This can be done through your portal and an alert will be sent out through email to when this will be open for purchasing uniforms.
For new parents not used to having their child in a show might find it difficult to understand the time and level of commitment required. Although children learn techniques and skills in term one, once they are in a show, they are still learning in the most rewarding way and the teachers are still teaching in the most effective way.
If your child has a small role, do not underestimate the learning that takes place and the demand on their time. Whatever the role they still learn stagecraft, need to remember blocking, choreography and songs in a musical, characterisation and focus.
Cast cannot afford to miss any rehearsal as we need to stick to a tight schedule and do not have time to catch children up on sections missed.
If your child is sick, we expect them to get with someone from the cast who can help them with the sections they have missed or have it videoed to practise at home.
It is important parents read the rehearsal schedule thoroughly and mark rehearsals on a calendar.
Ensure you understand what role your child is playing so you have them at the right rehearsal time. If you have problems getting them to a rehearsal, please talk to other parents who may be able to help out.
It is important you check performance dates on our calendar at the beginning of the year, so you keep the rehearsal and performance period free.
Although most costumes are provided by NAPA there maybe some items that you need to purchase or bring from home. Please don’t leave this to the last minute as somethings may not be easy to find in a short space of time.
Check hair and make-up requirements. If you struggle with any of this often a parent who has been with us for a while will help you if the teachers are busy, or email or make an appointment with a teacher to ask for any clarification.
Bookings for shows can be done from our website. Our productions are most enjoyable. We are well known for our high standard of performance so come and enjoy as many shows as possible possible. It is great to see our students attend productions they are not in, as not only does it show support of others it broadens their knowledge of plays and musicals.
Video recordings and photo taking is not permitted in the performances. We have a professional photographer taking photos and these will be provided for you. Video recording is often not permitted according to the Rights. If it is allowed, we will record the performance for you.
Do not go backstage unless you are an assigned helper. Not only is it embarrassing for children getting changed, but it is also distracting prior to the show as children are trying to focus on the task ahead. Even more importantly, it is against child safety guidelines. Children will be checked out after a show so please wait outside the dance building and make yourself known to the personnel at the door as you take your child away so they can be marked off a roll.
What to expect if your child is in an Eisteddfod team
(More details HERE)
A huge commitment. There are many competitions and performances at various locations throughout the year. We give you the dates as they are released to us so it’s impossible to give you every one of them at the start of the year. Sometimes we are invited to perform at various events throughout the year so these will have less notice. Attendance to all performances is imperative. Parents will need to transport their children to these performances and ensure that nothing conflicts with the schedule.
Students missing classes for reasons other than illness or an important school commitment may be removed from part or all of eisteddfod routines.
Team uniform must be worn at all classes – students who continually come to class out of uniform may be put on probation
Take the cost into consideration before auditioning: - accommodation and travel to eisteddfods away from home; hiring or purchase of performance costumes, uniform costs
Great working relationships through working as a team
Bonding with likeminded performers
A chance to work at an elite level enhancing skills and techniques
An opportunity to help reach goals
We offer private lessons in solo, duo or trio eisteddfod dance and acro performances, as well as private lessons in Acting and Singing. Note the teachers on our website for 2024 to find your appropriate teacher for privates.
For those looking to obtain credentials we also offer Acting and Musical private lesson through the Trinity Guildhall examination system.
Booking can be made by contacting Kim by email [email protected] for Dance privates.
Our main form of communication is by email if you wish to discuss fees, enrolments, show bookings, volunteering, absences or have general enquiries contact Kimberley [email protected]. If you want to discuss anything related to dance and eisteddfods contact Kim – [email protected]. For enquiries regarding acting, productions, social events, issues regarding your child, private lessons contact Kim - [email protected].
NAPA News – each week you will be emailed a NAPA Newsletter which informs you all of what is happening at the studio in that week or about upcoming events and deadlines. It is important that you read this carefully each week as this is the best way of being informed.
Rehearsals and schedules will be emailed to you according to the classes that they apply to.
NAPA website – Not only does this have information regarding classes, the timetable and our academy in general, it also has all dates for holidays, productions and other events. Please check this on a regular basis. This is also where you go to book tickets for our shows.
Facebook – a great place to post achievements and reminders of events. Facebook Groups are also established to target specific groups that require information not relevant to the rest of the studio. Follow our page NAPA Gold Coast and join the NAPA P&F private group for important updates.
Please ensure that you update contact details as soon as they change as failure to do this will cause you to not receive the information you need for your child.
If you have any problems or concerns with the studio, please don’t stew on it, make an appointment to see Kim so we can discuss and act on your concerns. We ask that you make us aware of your problems so we can address it in a positive way.
We love hearing success stories – our joy is knowing how NAPA is helping your child and any of their achievements. We love to hear any feedback you may have by emailing us and feel free to rate us on our website or write letters of recommendation. The success and improvements of your child makes all our hard work worthwhile.
“It was only in the theatre that I lived.”