NAPA News - Week 9, Term 1, 2022


This is the last week of term with our last classes finishing on Saturday, 2 April. Our return date is Tuesday, 19 April. Please note in last week’s newsletter the information regarding all other long weekends. A reminder that this week is an 80’s themed week so students from all classes can attend in their 80’s outfits and enjoy some happy 80’s themed activities. We will post photos on our P&F Facebook page. We hope your children have had a great first term and are all settled into their classes. Term 2 is the start of rehearsals and preparation for this year’s performances, so get ready cherubs! 


Congratulations to all of our Broadway Tweens who auditioned for Xanadu. They all did a such a great job that it made the selection very difficult. However, after putting them through their paces, here is the final casting. All roles are great and have their various challenges!


It was wonderful to see our NAPA cherub Courtney Monsma shine on stage as Anna on Sunday, and to share the enjoyment of the show with all those that attended with us. We sent flowers backstage to Courtney from the NAPA Family. Due to COVID we couldn’t have an after-show Q & A session as we had hoped, but Courtney has promised to come out to NAPA and conduct one at our studio. We will let you know the date as soon as it’s organised. 


Each year, to consolidate the performance techniques of our students who are having Private lessons, as well as to provide an audience so they get more opportunities to deliver at performance standards, we hold an annual Solo Concert. This will take place on the 21 May at 7pm. A running order will be worked out soon and students will be contacted re availability. Tickets will be on sale at the start of Term 2. 

NAPA Boys Feature in Gold Coast Bulletin

P11, The Gold Coast Bulletin, Monday, March 28, 2022

Page 11, The Gold Coast Bulletin, Monday, 28 March 2022


Spots in the Junior & Senior Talent Quests are filling up fast. There are a few left in the Senior one, so get your entries in soon Seniors (High School student).


Still a few T-shirt orders in the Basic Range have not been picked up. Please collect them before the end of term.


Our lost property rack is in the Games Room behind the canteen. Please come in and check it this week as at the end of term we put any uniform items on the second-hand rack and everything else goes to charity. There are dance shoes on the rack which raises the question regarding what the children are dancing in during their classes? Please ensure you pick up your lost items to clear the rack before Saturday.

Have a fabulous holiday everyone. This is a great time for our kids to recharge their ‘batteries’ and rest those bodies so they are all revitalised ready to be put through their paces in Term 2 and smash those goals.

Best wishes,

Lynn & The NAPA Team



NAPA News - Week 1, Term 2, 2022


NAPA News - Week 8, Term 1, 2022