NAPA News - Week 8, Term 1, 2022


I hope you are all enjoying our weekly newsletters, as this is our main form of communication to you. Sadly, some of our families are not reading them as we frequently get emails asking questions that were answered in the newsletter or they miss out on events or important information that was communicated that week. We set it out so you can easily locate the information that applies to your child. Thank you to everyone who makes the time to read our newsletter when it arrives every Monday and takes note of the information that applies to your child. It takes a lot of our time and resources to get this to you on a weekly basis, but very necessary.


Here is a break down into point form the information required to be a part of these great opportunities and social event: 

  • The date of the Talent Quest is the 7 May

  • Students can now register for the Talent Quest from your portal. It’s set up, so you buy a $5 ticket which is your registration fee to perform in the talent quest. If the act is a duo or small group act, its only one registration and the fee is still only $5.

  • In order to register, click the ticket icon on your home page of your portal then follow instructions.

  • There will be a limit of 16 acts per session, so the first 16 to register will be the ones in the show.

  • Once you have registered you will receive an email from Miss Kim who will confirm your place in the Talent Quest and ask for a description of your act.

  • The Talent Quest is free of charge to watch.

  • The Junior Talent Quest is for Grade 1-6 students and is on from 4-5pm

  • The Senior Talent Quest is for Grade 7-12 students and is on from 6.30-7.30pm

  • From 5.15-6.15pm (between the two talent quests) we are having a HAPPY HOUR for our parents in the courtyard. You may stay on after the Junior Talent Quest or arrive early before the Seniors Talent Quest or just arrive for the Happy Hour and not attend the Talent Quests. It’s an opportunity for NAPA parents to meet other NAPA parents and teachers. Drinks will be half price and there will be a few nibblies out for you to enjoy. Children can enjoy socialising as well. We may even pop on a short Disney movie for them in the theatre so you can all relax outside without worrying about your children. We would love to see lots of you there to get to know you. Our wonderful P & F will be funding this and will be there to meet you.


There are three long weekends coming up. Although we always make up for time lost with these through extra rehearsals, filming sessions etc, three Mondays so close together is a bit of a disruption to our learning process. So this year, we will honour the Easter public holiday on the 18 April so there will be no classes on that day. However, on 25 April which is Anzac Day (where services are normally finished by the evening) and 2 May which is Labor Day, we will have evening classes as usual, but not College classes during the day.


Every year some of our dance students register for this charity who fund raises for The Ronald McDonald House who help seriously ill children and their families to stay at the home-away-from- home at Ronald McDonald House while they receive critical care. We are so proud of our students who are participating in this to raise funds so that NAPA will donate $10 towards each student’s fundraising effort. For all of our students who wish to Dance for Sick Kids, here is the link:


As you may have noticed, this year’s Tread the Boards plays are all comedies. We felt that we have had enough Tragedy in the past couple of years with so many things that have plagued our nation, so we could all do with a good laugh. Enjoy!


Auditions have finished for this hilarious play. The students are playing multiple roles, far too many to list here. The play will be performed on the 7 August. Read all about it:

by Ian McWethy + Jason Pizzarello

On a sunny day in the town of Bloomington, a devastating occurrence happens. No, it’s not famine, or floods, or loss of your basic rights. The internet has gone down! And it will continue to be down! For a week! A whole week! Pandemonium! In a world that is so dependent on the internet for shopping, mailing, and posting pictures of cute babies, how will society function? Not well as it turns out. The Day the Internet Died hilariously explores how inept we are at dating, research, and basic human interactions when we don’t have a screen to look at.


Auditions have also finished for this group and like the other plays, this requires performances of multiple roles, so or students are going to be up for quite a challenge.
The play will be performed 18+19 November 2022

by Don Zolidis

It's the end of the world and hordes of rampaging zombies are about to kill you. What do you do? Try your hand at kung fu against the undead? Attempt to reason with creatures that would rather eat brains than use them? Turn to this handy and hilarious guide to survive the apocalypse! (Hint: sacrifice the weak is step number one.)


Our last week of Term 1 goes from the 28 March to the 2 April. As a reminder, in this week we are going to pay tribute to our 80’s shows that we are performing this year, by coming to classes in 80’s style clothing. We will even pump 80’s music into the courtyard so our kids, parents and teachers can have a bit of a dance. Have fun everyone!


Our frozen excursion is on next Sunday, 27 March at 6.30pm. We will send out an email this week to all of you who are attending to let you know where to meet after the show. We are still waiting for confirmation regarding the arrangements to see Courtney.

Have another fabulous week at NAPA everyone!

Lynn & Team



NAPA News - Week 9, Term 1, 2022


NAPA News - Week 7, Term 1, 2022