About Private Lessons
Private lessons are available for students wishing to enter eisteddfods as solo, duo or trio performers in Singing, Acting or Dancing, or seeking to obtain credentials in Acting or Musical Theatre through the Trinity Guildhall examination system.
To book privates, please email the teachers directly. Information regarding the teachers can be found on the Staff page of our website.
PRICILLA SCOTT – Acting teacher to do Trinity Exams, Eisteddfod Preparation or any other help in acting. Available Saturdays 9.30-11.00 am.
Email: [email protected]
JACKIE TURNER – Singing Teacher. Available Wednesdays 3.30pm onwards, Saturdays 8.30-11.30 am and 1.30-5.00pm.
Email: [email protected]
DAVID VALKS - Singing Teacher. Available Tuesdays from 3.30pm.
Email:[email protected]
EBONY REEVES - Singing Teacher. [email protected]
MANDY MORRISON – Tap specialist and dance teacher. Available Tuesdays 1-3.45pm, Thursdays 12.30-3.30pm, Fridays 1.30-4.00 pm, 5.30-7.30pm, Saturdays 11.00-11.30am. and 1.30 – 3.00pm Email: [email protected]
TAHNEE PITCHERS – Ballet teacher. Available Tuesdays 4.30-5.15 pm and 6.15-6.45pm, Wednesdays 4.00-5.30pm. Email: [email protected]
HANNAH STANTON – Dance Teacher. Available Thursdays 8.00-8.45pm
Email: [email protected]
AMANDA TAYLOR – Hip Hop specialist. Available Monday 3.15-3.45pm
Email: [email protected]
BELLA JANSSEN – Juniors Dance Teacher. Available Tuesdays 4.00-5.15pm.
Email: [email protected]
KIM REYNOLDS – Dance teacher, choreography specialist and Trinity Guildhall Musical Theatre exam teacher. No current availability.
Email: [email protected]
There are various competitions throughout the year and most can be found here: https://www.comps-online.com.au
Students may only compete in solo dance competitions if they are a member of a Performance Dance Team. Please note: parents are responsible for all individual entries into eisteddfods. Although our teachers love to support our soloists, they are not always able to make it to every competition to support, due to other work and family commitments. Please ensure you are organised and ready for all comp days with costumes, music etc before the day of performance.
About Trinity Guildhall
Trinity Guildhall is the result of an amalgamation of two international examination boards, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Trinity College London. Guildhall and Trinity Diplomas are recognised worldwide throughout the profession. These two innovative organisations bring together a combined experience of over two centuries, to establish a comprehensive and effective external examination service for performing arts education in the 21st century.
Trinity Guildhall examinations will reach a third of a million candidates in over fifty countries. It will embrace new technology, the inclusion of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural traditions, the advancement of syllabuses and publications and the evolution of a wider range of examinations and higher awards. NAPA is proud to be affiliated with this organisation and we have achieved outstanding results.
Tuition is available for Senior Primary students in preparation for the Intermediate Performers’ Certificate (students will need to achieve Grade 4 standard as a prerequisite), and for High School students, tuition to prepare for the Senior Performers’ Certificate (students will need to achieve Grade 8 as a prerequisite). Pre-requisite standards will also be conducted through NAPA if required.