NAPA News - Week 8, Term 2, 2022


Only two more weeks before the end of term, the last day being Saturday, 25 June 2022. The first semester is always the more relaxed one as Semester 2 is filled with final rehearsals, productions, presentations and the major eisteddfods. So, embrace yourselves (I know we are), for life to get even busier, but rest assured the accomplishments are worth the extra challenges.


Our final week of term is from 20–25 June 2022. To symbolise the end of a fairly relaxed semester, we are going to have a Pyjama Week! You read this correctly; our students can wear pyjamas to their classes in our final week, so they can be warm and comfy (but hopefully not sleepy). We do ask that students doing dance classes, wear their dance gear underneath as they will need to shed their PJs to do their class, then they can pop them back on at the end.


We wish our College students all the best as they perform their Cabaret this Friday night. The Cabaret features our Year 12 students, Elysium Hipwood, Kaden Forbutt and Cooper Swain, who have selected a few songs intermingled with patter in Cabaret format to reveal their journey into the Performing Arts. The Year 10s and 11s will open and close the show. This format for our Cabaret has been a tradition with our College students from the very first group of Year 12 College students we had. Each student has 20 minutes of performance, which is quite a challenge to engage and connect with an audience on your own. We are very proud of them.


As you are aware, we dispose of any lost property left at the end of term. Items are sent to charity and uniforms are put on our 2nd hand rack. Please check these photos carefully and if anything belongs to your child, make sure you pick them up before the end of term.  The Lost Property rack is behind the canteen, next to the couch in the games room. Please ensure all clothing and drink bottles are labelled with your child’s name as this would help find the owners of left behind items. 


WOW! Our extra performance sold out quickly. We are glad that those of you who missed out have now got tickets to the added show. Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm to see our kids shine on stage.


The Activated Industry uniforms have arrived. We have been in direct contact with parents who were waiting for items and they have been picked up. If you did order some items and we haven’t contacted you, could you please email me [email protected] before Saturday. I did order extras for our new students who missed out on ordering due to not being here when we placed the orders.  If you missed out on ordering, pop into the office from Saturday onward to see if we have any items in the size you need. I ordered a few sizes of the most popular items so hopefully it will match the demands. We won’t be selling any uniforms until Saturday to ensure those who missed out previously have picked up their items.

We checked on the Mini uniforms and they should be here in a week’s time.


This time of the year is a shocker for so much sickness going around. We do ask that students stay home if they are sick. However, to ensure your child is at class as much as possible, please avoid scheduling events or appointments when your child’s class is on as if they miss some classes, then get sick and miss more, it leaves big gaps in their learning. It is also very challenging for our teachers who are trying to prepare students for performances and competitions. Last week 50% of the Fame cast were away, making it very hard to choreograph numbers or block scenes. Some of our classes are still auditioning so children being away is making the process very difficult. We need to get the kids show-ready, so please make every effort to ensure your child is at their classes unless sick. If they do miss class, please inform the teacher and check on the class’s online learning page to see if anything has been put up for them to rehearse at home.


We continually get asked for dates of shows and events as well as information regarding various procedures. Please note that all our dates are on our website and information regarding every aspect of our studio can be found there. We try to ensure that everything you need is there for you and up to date so that you have information needed at your disposal. If you have trouble navigating the website, don’t hesitate to pop into the office and we can point you in the right direction.


The P&F bought a water bubbler for our kids at the start of the year so they can fill their water bottles. We disconnected the bubbler part as due to COVID and hygiene generally, we didn’t want students putting their mouths around the jet. Recently, we have noticed students trying to get water from it (as it does dribble out) and put their mouths around the spout. Would you please pass on the message to your child not to do this for their safety. If they have forgotten their water bottle, we can always provide them with a paper cup.


Stay healthy everyone 

Lynn & Team



NAPA News - Week 9, Term 2, 2022


NAPA News - Week 7, Term 2, 2022