NAPA News - Week 7, Term 2, 2022


This week’s newsletter is back to giving happy news. However, we would firstly like to thank those of you who emailed us to provide support of the content of our newsletter and our studio ethos. Many expressed that they had also witnessed negative conversations and attitudes, that does not align with our expectations and standards. This confirmed to us that the message in our newsletter last week needed to be communicated and perhaps overdue. We hope to see a big change from now on and we will be in direct contact with anyone who we hear is making inappropriate comments. Bullying of any type or at any level will not be tolerated at NAPA and any time we are alerted to it in the past we have addressed it with the students involved. NAPA aims to be a happy, safe place for our students and parents.

Extra Chicago Performance

Due to the selling out of all of our Chicago tickets, we have managed to get the Performance Rights for an extra show. This will be on 6pm, Sunday, 24 July 2022. We have opened the booking up to parents of cast members first who had missed out on tickets. Tickets will be on sale for everyone else next Tuesday from 9am. If you already have tickets for Chicago, we ask that you don’t buy any more to allow people who have no tickets to attend.


A reminder that GTB – Brisbane Eisteddfod is on 30 July. More information will be sent out soon.

Dates have been provided by Gold Coast Eisteddfod, please note the following:

6s, 8s, 10s, 12s – 12th, 13th, 14th August

15s & Opens – 19th, 20th, 21st

A more detailed program will be sent out in the next few weeks.

Performance Team Concert

We are pleased to announce that this will be staged on 7pm, 16 & 17 September. Tickets will be on sale at the start of next term. Please note on your calendars that we will have a rehearsal for this from 4-8:30pm, Wednesday, 14 September.

Solo Vocal Concert

This will be held at 7pm, Saturday, 3 September. Singing teachers will invite students who are performance-ready to participate in the concert. This will be decided closer to the date. So, students make sure you rehearse at home so you are ready to entertain.

College Cabaret

Our College students will be performing a Cabaret on 7.30pm, Friday, 17th June 2022. This will be by invite only from the students to ensure all of their friends and families have a seat. This is free of charge.

Uniform Update

Good news! I have been informed that the uniforms we ordered from Activated Industries have been completed. They have left China and are now in transit. So, we hope they will be here fairly soon. I will inform you as soon as they arrive and ready to be picked up. I will also be in touch with our Mini Uniform suppliers Cosi G this week to get an update on its progress as it also should be here fairly soon. 

Great Team Effort

A big thank you to all the wonderful mums who stepped in on Saturday to help with the barbecue and the canteen, when our wonderful canteen mum Kristie became ill. I know there was a lot of concern when people saw the ambulance here at NAPA but all is well and Kristie has made a quick recovery. Also thank you to the mums who have actively helped put games away and tidy up this week, it is greatly appreciated. I am also very proud of some of our students who offer to help clean up. You guys have ensured that we don’t have to come to the decision of removing the games. If we could just train all our students to clean up after themselves, we would reach perfection and hopefully the habit will transfer into keeping their bedrooms clean LOL!

Enjoy your week everyone

Lynn & Team



NAPA News - Week 8, Term 2, 2022


NAPA News - Week 6, Term 2, 2022