
  • Individuals aged 12 and over must wear masks indoors,

  • All students, staff and visitors must wear a mask if any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (e.g. fatigue, aches, fever, cough).

  • There are notable mask wearing exemptions relevant to the Performing Arts sector being where the individual: 

    • has a medical condition which makes the mask unsuitable; or

    • is participating in strenuous classroom activities; or

    • is sitting and eating at our tables in the canteen area; or

    • is working sitting or standing in one location (not moving around the room) and able to physically distance.

Unvaccinated (Relating to shows)

Unvaccinated people are not permitted to attend our shows as the rules state that unvaccinated people cannot enter entertainment venues. Similarly, any students over 16 must also be vaccinated to perform in our/or any other venue.

Venues where only vaccinated people are permitted

As a reminder, the Government has placed restrictions preventing unvaccinated people aged 16 and over from accessing certain venues (e.g. hospitality and entertainment venues like RSL clubs and theatres) with these venues able to operate at full capacity if everyone present aged 16 and over is fully vaccinated (or holds a medical exemption). This includes students over 16 performing in our/or any other venue.

Venues where unvaccinated people are permitted

Unvaccinated people may still enter other venues like dance studios and community halls, but these venues continue to have an occupant density limit of 1 person per 2 square metres. For dance studios, this occupant density limit remains the same even if only fully vaccinated students to attend. Because unvaccinated people may attend dance studios, there is no legal requirement to ask visitors for proof of vaccination.

Contact tracing informatioN

Please note our displays of Check in Qld app around the studio. Visitors please use this when coming to our building. Students do not need to do this as we have rolls where attendance is recorded

Enhanced Cleaning

  • Professional cleaners have been hired to ensure the studio is cleaned according to guidelines.  However, frequently touched areas must be done 1-2 hourly. Please help us by using the disinfectant wipes placed in toilets, canteen area and all studios by wiping down tables, toilet seats etc after use. Teachers will wipe down equipment with disinfectant wipes that is used after each lesson in readiness for the next group of students.

  • Handwashing facilities are available in the bathrooms and alcohol based hand sanitisers in all studios

COVID-19 Cases

If someone tests positive for COVID-19, they must isolate at home for at least 7 days from the date that the test was performed.

If on the 7th day they have no symptoms (or if the the only remaining symptom is a very mild dry cough which is persistent but not getting worse), then they may leave isolation. Otherwise, they must isolate for a total of 10 days.

If someone has completed their required isolation period, you are not required to ask for them
to show a negative test result. After 10 days, a person with COVID-19 is substantially less likely to transmit the virus, but some more cautious business owners may choose to ask this person to not attend activities for a total of 14 days to limit any possibility of transmission.

Close Contacts

A ‘close contact’ is defined as someone who is either a household member or ‘household-like contact’ of a person diagnosed with COVID-19:

  • A household member is any person who resides in the same premises/accommodation at the same time as the diagnosed person.

  • A ‘household-like contact’ is a person who has spent more than four hours with the diagnosed person in a house or other place of accommodation, care facility or similar.

This means that if a person with COVID-19 attends your studio or other business, the other people who attended at the same time will not be considered a ‘close contact’ because your studio is not a household or accommodation, regardless of the length of time spent at your business.

However, you should contact Queensland Health to seek their guidance on closing and opening and cleaning requirements. For more guidance on what to do if a COVID-19 diagnosed person attends your business, please refer to this webpage by the Queensland Government.

It is recommended that if a person with COVID-19 is present in your business, that you contact any people who have been present during their visit to notify them of this. While they are not legally ‘close contacts’, this will at least allow them to make their own decisions about whether they will isolate or avoiding contact with vulnerable people.

Requirements for Close Contacts

If someone is a close contact, they must:

  • get tested (with a RAT or PCR test) for COVID-19 if they have COVID-19 symptoms;

  • immediately travel directly home or current place of accommodation;

  • isolate for 7 days, as long as they receive a negative test result (RAT or PCR test) on the 6th day, and do not have COVID-19 symptoms.

Please review the latest updates to the requirements by checking the Queensland Government guidance available at the following links for:

  • Isolation for people who are diagnosed with COVID-19

  • Close contact quarantine and testing requirements

Stay Healthy
NAPA Management